Thursday, November 30, 2006
♥ 10:14 am
just came back from camp.
had a lot of fun, bowling, shopping for board materials, falling sick, playing Hold 'Em till 5, betting with cards.
haha it was great, seeing all these people who i would never actually meet if not for this camp.
wow it's interesting...
now i need to see a doctor, and prepare for the XVI
haha c'mon c'mon!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
♥ 3:41 pm
aiyoh must rain every afternoon...
let it rain let it rain let it rain....
got a really bad throat, painful but looks like getting better....
well it's time! time for the biggie of the season..
let's go utd!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
♥ 5:49 am
Celtic 1-0 Man Utd
like that how can....
cannot score although they dominate for 80 minutes, miss penalty some more...
like that how can beat Chelsea??
Sunday, November 19, 2006
♥ 11:57 pm
ok time for an update on my conquests...
Retook Djion from the Milanese, held off 2 Danish attacks on Bruge and Metz, took Bordeaux and attacking Toulouse.
My cardinal got elected Pope, then conveninently died after 3 years. crap
sailed on crusade, took Jerusalem, acquired Akko in change for a truce with the Egyptians, lauched another crusade on rebel-held Antioch.
soon to attack Antwerp, push down to Bern and Marseilles. and of course extend the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
King William II, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Ireland, King of France, King of Jerusalem,
haha need more!! but cannot stop doing my EE
♥ 7:05 pm
just got my hands on medieval 2.
one word...
graphics are great, gameplay is good, inquistions are irritating to the core. got 3 of my generals burned at the stake.
now currently on crusade to jerusalem.. haha... hordes of templars coming your way..
William II, King of England, King of Scotland, Lord of Ireland, King of France (most of it), (soon) Lord of Milan, King of Jerusalem.
haha conquer and pillage my men!
and i just got new Anti-virus, for a rip-off fee of 200 something. argh what a rip-off.
next week, the big showdown..
let's go united!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
♥ 11:09 am
went to watch james bond yesterday.
haha this 007 is so different from the others, quite refreshing actually.
1) he's really not that pro at all, quite noob but actually pretty fun to watch.
2) he doesn't shag and move on. he actually does like someone, not like him
and the criticism on daniel craig, is really not needed, i think he did a decent job.
haiz later got meeting, argh
homount: ich dene
if only if only
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
♥ 9:19 pm
da dum da dum... da dum dum...
dum dum de dum..
yes 007 is back!
haha i wanna go watch it asap!
today caught The Prestige with keith thang and jun. really really interesting, but hard to understand.
just downloaded medieval II demo, hard and laggy, but.
borat: Cultural learnings of America for make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhstan...
haha a bloody funny show
Monday, November 13, 2006
♥ 10:19 am
ok i'm back at last!
NZ is great but u can't spend too long there, if not u can't cope with the fast-paced life of Singapore. haha
Auckland is basically Singapore with 4 times lesser people, Christchurch is like a huge British village.
But in both cities, there are a heck lot of Asian people, Japs, koreans, everyone is there.
everything there is freagging expensive. everything
flight back on SQ 282 was bad. heck lot of turbulence, caused my coffee to spill on the floor, and my pants haha
now i'm tired, jet-lagged too haha
Sunday, November 05, 2006
♥ 2:35 pm
3 days here, and this place is the best.great weather, great eating and people.but the shopping isn't the greatesthahato see so of the photos, go to the link in my photos!
Friday, November 03, 2006
♥ 11:46 am
sydney! where i can't find any food that is cheap and nice.
but i must say, the burger was damn good haha
and the keyboard i'm using from the shared terminal really stinks.
doing EE surveys, argh i'm starting to hate it too...
Thursday, November 02, 2006
♥ 11:36 pm
This is the weirdest place i will ever expect to blog in my life.
I'm now in E20 gate, pissed from doing the stupid EE surveys.
haha i'm bored and tired.
will try to add to this when i reach sydney haha
♥ 7:52 pm
Ok i'm off to auckland!
haha will try to blog when i'm there..
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
♥ 8:01 pm
Tomorrow is our first official IB paper.
and somehow i don't feel anything like in the mood to study.
Possibily it's because it's Chinese.
no matter what people say, it should be not too much of a challenge, but it always pays to be attentive. haha
hell it was a long day.
first came the awfully long wait to get the AEFs signed and, and photocopying all the stupid survey forms too.
argh it's over tmr. and at 0040 i'll be on SQ 231 for Sydney, where i'll (hopefully) conduct part 2 of my EE survey.
well i'll miss the reunion BBQ, argh haha brings back so many memories.
- Ben Chan's BBQ skills
- The table of happiness
- Uber-burnt Chicken Wings
- Ben Chan (again) trying to avoid getting stripped by everyone, and thus jumping out of the back window shouting 'Death to the Infidels!'
haha those were great times.