Saturday, December 06, 2008
♥ 11:11 am
Ok so i've booked my TP test. 23 Feb
It seems slightly squeezed, but thanks to a flurry of last-minutes (and expensive) bookings, i should be able to squeeze in enough time to be ready for the test. yaay
This week is packing weekend! First time in a long time that i'm not packing for ATEC/Audit et al. I'm packing cos my luggage is going ahead of me to NY.
Ahhhhh.. bliss
When i was picking up my sis from the airport ytd, me and my mom were talking about what it would be like if my sis joined up as a SIA stewardess..
'Good evening! Welcome about Singapore Airlines Flight ___ bound for ____! I'm your chief stewardess for this flight! blah blah blah'
than i realised that my sis wasn't tall enough to close the overhead bins
haha i was bored at T3. No excitement unless you're flying off.
11 more days!
It's weird. It hasn't hurt that much. ah well
my hormones are dormant.